exercises to lose weight fast at home without equipment

 Hi, friend today I will tell you about exercises to lose weight fast at home without equipment.
if you think and want about losing weight but you have not timed for joining Jim. after reading this article you can lose weight fast at home without any equipment.
It is not necessary for losing weight, to visit a gymnasium. you can lose weight with exercise at home.
In fact, according to the health specialists, taking the right measures and doing the right exercises at home.
You can be much more beneficial for losing weight at home than going out and sweating out at the gym 3-4 days a week.
Many people say they have not timed for a workout at Jim, for this type men and women I tell some exercise.
like as-
  • Pushup and Pike walk
  • walking lunges
  • side plank and hip drop
  • superman position
  • running cycle

The first exercise is Pushup and pike walk Combo

Pushp Combo and Pike Walk is the easiest exercise to eliminate the fat of the arm.
  1. in this exercise first stand with your feet together and arms at your sides.
  2. Next bend over and place the fingertips or the hands on the smooth floor in front of you.
  3. Then steadily walk the hands forward into plank position and do one careful pushup.
  4. Keeping the hands in place, walk your feet up until they are as close to your hands as possible. That’s one rep. 

So, pushups and pike walk can be an effective and goal-oriented way to lose weight quickly on the arm.

The Second exercise is Walking Lunges

walking Lunges work out is the primary exercises for losing weight.  for this exercise
  1. Stand straight with your hands by your side.
  2. Move the right leg to your front and then bend both your knees. 
  3. Keep the thigh of the leg at the front parallel to the floor.
  4. Your knee of the back leg should not touch the floor.
  5. Once you reach this position hold it for few moments.

after few moment take the back leg forward to repeat the same with the opposite legs.

Exercise  for losing weight for Stomach: side plank and hip drop

This is a primary exercise for losing weight of stomach very fast.
  1. Lay on your side placing your weight on one hand and feet.
  2. Keep the other hand on your waist and pull the waist up, creating atenstion in the body.
  3. Your body should come at an ascending straight line with the floor.
  4. Hold the position for a moment and then drop the hips lower as shown, but do not touch the Floor.
  5. Repeat the same with the other side to complete one set. You should do 4 sets of 5 reps at the starting.

Superman Position

If you want to make your lower body, then this exercise can prove beneficial for you.
  1. It is the very effective exercise that works out the muscles of the lower back with hips.
  2. lie flat on the floor on your stomach with your hands apart.
  3. Now try to fold your body backward as shown in the picture creating a tension throughout the body.
  4. Hold the position for few moments and then relax.

You need to repeat this exercise 10 set per day for getting effective results.

Running cycle exercise

if you want getting abs with the toned back you can try this exercise for a quick result.
  1. Lie flat on your back with your hands folded below your head.
  2. Your legs should be up from the floor at 45 degrees and fully stretched.
  3. Now you have to touch your left elbow to the right knee and the right elbow with the left knee.
  4. You need to do at least 10 sets of 5 repetitions to start with.

Final Word

This does not end with exercise for losing weight at home. but you can do what you want with this exercises.
you can give time for Yoga, yoga and meditation are best for body and tension relaxation.
Hope you enjoy this article exercises to lose weight fast at home without equipment. please share this article with her friends on social media.
